Rhodophiala splendens

Flowering sized bulbs.

Despatched October-April

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One of the most beautiful species, this lives up to its name with 30-40 cm stems bearing splendid clusters of 3-4, bright crimson flowers. In the centre is a star of thin cream stripes contrasting with a protruding red pistil.

The 1 cm wide, linear leaves develop after flowering, at which time the plants likes lots of water. Feeding at this time will help build large bulbs quickly.

A native of middle to high elevations in Central Chile, in sun and forest clearings over well-drained ground but in habitats generally higher in organic matter than is the case with other Rhodophiala. It needs a lot of water during its vegetative growth (in early spring), but during the flowering it can withstand long dry spells. In northern conditions, this seems to grow best of all when treated as a summer-growing species and given a dryish winter rest from late autumn to early spring, when it can be kept cold but should not be allowed to freeze.

Rhodophiala splendens
Rhodophiala splendens