The lovely ‘Gardenia flowered’ full double, here with its correct clonal name. The normally three-petalled flower is replaced by whorl upon whorl of crowded, symmetrical white petals of superb texture and poise. Long lasting and stunningly beautiful.
These are flowering-sized, mostly budded, vegetative divisions of the original clone traceable back to Dr. Henry Teuscher. This is the original clone, distributed to several botanic gardens and private growers, notably in Scotland. However there is simply no truth in any recent suggestions that different Scottish clones exist. Look closely enough at any clonal clump and you will always see differences between individual flowers, depending on their age, state of development and vigour – this is how fairy tales began!
They have taken years of propagation and the clone will never be cheap, but we now have a splendid stock and have managed to offer them at a reasonable price for as long as this lasts.