Tulipa agenensis KP.561


Flowering sized bulbs

Despatched September-February

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Tulipa agenensis is a stunning  species with stunning, bright currant-red flowers. The petals are quite broad and overlap basally to give a pleasing outline, whilst the base of each petal has a jet-black marking bordered, narrowly, with a jagged-edged and irregular ring of golden yellow. The markings making a six-pointed star. The intensity of colour and the contrast between them is stunning.

Classically this is thought of as being Israeli and Jordanian but it extends across parts of Turkey, Iran, Cyprus, the Aegean Islands, Syria, Lebanon. It is also said to be naturalized in parts of Italy, France, Portugal and Tunisia, having been spread in ancient times perhaps. Ironically it was described and named for the French city of Agen.

Best grown in a very well-drained soil or compost and in the UK this is probably best in the free root run of a frame or a raised bed. It can also do well in a pot, but if potted it needs careful management to maintain its size from year to year. Wherever you grow it, do bear in mind that it does not like the excess water (especially in mid-winter and in its summer dormancy) which it can encounter out in the garden in the UK and northern Europe.

Raised from KP.561 first found on the Greek island of Chios at 125m altitude.

Tulipa agenensis
Tulipa agenensis