Tulipa ferghanica


Flowering sized bulbs

Despatched September-February

Out of stock

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This glorious Tulipa has glaucous blue leaves, each with a phenomenally wavy edge borne with an open cup-shaped flower which has a pronounced “waist”. The flower is pure gold internally, broadly banded with orange-bronze on the outside of the three outer petals.

The bulb tunic is densely pubescent with a leathery exterior. This is usually an indication of a plant that comes from hot, dry regions and which needs this wooley coat for summer insulation from heat. In complete contrast we find this grows readily here increasing nicely and setting seed also, though we do have it planted out under unheated glass, just as a means of controlling the water that reaches it.

2019 we offer stock grown here from the original Dutch plants. Our new stock (from 2020) will replace the Dutch stock, with plants raised from wild seed collected by a German botanical garden near the Walnut centre of Arslanbob, further data we have says “Djajerim Jailo, Ulschtschoku” which we cannopt trace, however the locality is clearly in Kyrgyzstan within the Fergana and Chatkhal mountains.

Tulipa ferghanica
Tulipa ferghanica