Urginea undulata


Flowering sized bulbs.

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( Urginea undulatifolia, Drimia undata, Scilla undulata)

A dwarf species native to North Africa from where it was named, but also to be found in parts of southern Spain, southern Italy and Israel. This has the most remarkable foliage, which is blue-green, very narrow and fantastically frilled, folded and crisped at the edges but in a perfectly regular manner. The plants make foliage in late autumn and so are best under glass, where they canbe given some physical protection from savage autumn weather and a dry summer rest can be enforced. Planted shallowly in a very well-drained, loam-based compost with lots of gravel and coarse sand mixed in, this will survive on a remarkably small amount of water, indeed it does not want too much.

Small russet coloured flowers are made in lax spikes in Autumn, these are spickled all over their petal surfaces with rust red marks. Though the foliage is thought, by some, to be the best feature of this lovely little treasure, the flowers are not without appeal also.

Urginea undulata
Urginea undulata